What to Know Before You Buy a Video Wall

What to Know Before You Buy a Video Wall

Installing a video wall is a big investment and shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s a big decision that will have an impact on your business. Over the years, the cost of producing LED video wall panels has gone down and their resale price has too, making them more affordable. They have also become easier to use and, when done by experienced professionals, easier to install. Before you decide on taking the plunge and choosing a specific system, there are some things to consider. Here’s what to know before you buy a video wall system for your business.

What Is the Purpose of the Wall?

Be clear and transparent about what you need the wall to do right now and in the future. There is an impetus for this purchase, be it signage, dashboards, or infotainment that fills the immediate need. Try to visualize what your content needs might be in the future. Anticipate changes in your business and what you might be able to use the wall for in five years. Buy the video wall that your business will need in the future, not just right now. Have it in place so you don’t have to upgrade in a year.

Is the Facility Equipped to Handle the Video Wall?

There are some infrastructure considerations that will need meeting before installation. First there are the power considerations. Does your building have enough electricity to meet the power requirements of your wall? You may have to budget for some added electrical work before installation of the video wall can begin. Second, is the space/wall where you want to install the device strong enough to support all the panels? The panels have weight to them and need a structurally sound surface to support them. There are different mounting systems that can support the panels in this instance, or additional support can be added to your existing structure.

What Kind of Content Will You Display?

Your content will dictate your choice of controller and processors. Some controllers have few features and next to no upgradeability but are easy to use for basic content delivery. If you know exactly what you want out of them and are certain that won’t change, then this might be a good choice. More advanced controllers have better flexibility and features for better control. They can perform more functions and upgrade easily as the technology advances.

Do You Have Support?

The best system in the world won’t work well without someone who can use it. Troubleshooting and technical support is a key element that must be addressed. Like any technical device, they can misbehave, so you will need someone to monitor it and update it. If you have an in-house IT department, training might be necessary for them to operate it. There is also the option of remote support from the team who designed and installed the wall.