Video Wall and LED Display Trends for 2020

Video Wall and LED Display

Throughout the first quarter of 2020, the world changed fast. The recent pandemic has changed how people shop, where they go, and how they work. Life will open again soon, and life will begin again, but it will be different. Point-of-purchase displays, informational video walls, and on-site marketing strategies will have to adjust to meet the new normal. This new normal is shaping new video wall and LED display trends for 2020. Here are some trends that we are tracking right now.

Pixel Size Will Shrink

As the technology continues to improve, pixel sizes will continue to shrink. More will fit into LED panel screens, making for sharper images and better quality. As the pixels shrink, though, will the demand for video walls increase? Industry professionals are aware of miniLED and microLED products but outside the industry they aren’t fully understood or appreciated. MiniLEDs are finding success in the personal electronics and automotive sector, but they haven’t taken off in traditional dvLED video walls. There are discussions within the industry about where and how microLEDs fit and where they will be most successful in the industry. They are currently in a few personal electronic devices, and the overall thought is they aren’t worth the extra cost if you don’t need a tighter pitch. The future isn’t clear for these emerging technologies, but they will be heard from in 2020.

New Shapes Will Pop Up

Airports have long been the domain of massive video walls and displays. They are used for arrivals, departures, and to broadcast a variety of information and ads throughout the airport. Some airports are starting to explore creative shapes in their displays. The airport in Charlotte, NC, already has a huge trapezoid display, and San Antonio has a unique quatrefoil display to wow visitors. Airports are invested in keeping travelers informed and entertained, and creative dvLED displays are a great option.

New Uses Will Emerge as Video Walls Become More Accessible

LED displays are becoming ever more affordable and shrugging off their old reputation as expensive. Manufacturers are learning their processes and technology is improving, making LED a more accessible option. Lower costs and brilliant marketing strategies are bringing LED displays to new markets that avoided them in the past. Small-budget customers will now see that LED displays are within their reach. The year 2020 will see more displays in restaurants, train stations, academic buildings, and museums.