Superior LED Service & Repair

Neoti LED Repair and Service in USA

NEOTI, Doing LED Repairs Nationwide

At Neoti we pride ourselves on superior LED Service & Repair. If you take a look, you will find that we offer a quality of LED repair services, simply not found elsewhere. Among the many benefits of choosing to repair with Neoti are: 1) We are responsive 2) We offer a broad variety of LED repair services 3) We offer exceptional repair quality

We are Responsive

We Are Local

Neoti is located in the Midwest, and does repairs across the continental United States. Being in the US allows for a great level of responsiveness. Travel and/or shipping can happen in a matter of days. With us, you never have to ship product overseas, saving on costs and downtime.

We Are Customer-Focused

To us being responsive, means more than just being nearby. It means valuing the customer. We return calls quickly putting the customer’s needs first. We find the solution that is best for the customer, understanding that different customers have different budgetary and time-based needs. At Neoti we don’t believe in “one size fits all” solutions.

We Offer a Broad Variety of LED Repair Services

Various Types of Repairs

Because every case is different, we offer a variety of LED service repairs. We can send our quality experienced technicians to you or you can ship the panels to us. We can even train you to make some of the more simple routine repairs, saving you future repair costs.

If you are having a problem, just give us a call! We may even be able to help you over the phone. Call us at (877) 356-3684.

Various Types of Solutions

We understand that you may not have purchased LED from us the first time, but we can still help you. Not only do we service all of our LED panels, but we also service those of most manufacturers as well. If you need a temporary solution, we have a variety of rental options as well.

Exceptional Repair Quality

Revamped Work Space

A year ago Neoti opened a dedicated Service & Repair Center. This revamped work space is just another way Neoti puts the customer’s needs first.

“Meeting the needs of our customers has always been our highest priority, so we are excited to offer a flexible service option that can assist them with any technical problems that they may encounter,” says Derek Myers, President of Neoti

You can read more about it at

Superior Equipment

In our Service & Repair Center we have everything the expert technician needs to perform a multitude of repairs. We even have specialized equipment to fix UHD panels.

Regardless of your needs, Neoti is happy to work with you to find the best solution for you.