How to Maintain your LED Display

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Now that you made the smart decision and bought an LED screen display, it’s time to take care of it. It’s true that LED displays, both indoors and out, are becoming easier to maintain, but they will never be a “set it and forget it” technology. They will always require a certain level of care and maintenance. They can prematurely burn out if they aren’t maintained properly. Also, they need cleaning and they need protection from overheating. The bottom line is they need care. We will give you some tips on how to maintain your LED display so that it will last a long time and perform great day after day.

Cleaning the Display

Take caution when cleaning an LED display. The front of the video wall can be dusted with compressed air if kept at a reasonable distance. Try not to focus high pressure on any single point of the wall, as it might lead to damage. Use wide sweeping motions, making sure to never stop in a single spot.

Service and Repair

Besides the fact that, sometimes, accidents happen, there is no need to lose the investment you made into your LED solution. Neoti offers LED display repair services to help restore any damaged video screens to their high-definition standards.

Whether your LED screen displays are inside or outside, there’s no need to stress. Neoti’s certified technicians repair or replace damaged diodes, modules, shaders, receiving cards, hub boards, power supplies, and more. We combine our industry knowledge, skills, and experience so we can repair each LED display quickly and efficiently. Repairs for LED displays are available for a wide range of industries, including broadcast, education, stadiums, and corporate organizations.

Invest in a Maintenance Package

If all of this is outside of your knowledge base, or electronics in general are confusing, don’t worry. We offer maintenance packages that will fit your budget. Our team of highly trained, qualified technicians will come to your display and give it all the time and attention it needs. You can worry about your business operations and let us worry about the LED displays. Contact us today to find the best package to fit your needs.