Live Broadcast LED Video Display

LED UHD video display in TV broadcast studio

Video displays have become the norm in broadcast studio design. With seamless video walls, curved panels, 3D designs, and a host of other choices and specifications available, a broadcast display is only limited by imagination. Choosing the right broadcast LED display requires consideration of aesthetic appeal, technical factors, and product longevity.

Aesthetics Considerations

A display should complement and enhance its setting. The appearance of a video wall is more than just what graphics pop up on the screen. Video displays must have superior image quality and integrate seamlessly into their environment.

LED Screens Outperform Their LCD Counterparts: Advantages of LED panels over LCD screens include truer black levels, glare free display, and bezel free surfaces. Furthermore, the pixel pitch of LED screens have improved so much that ultra high definition is not only possible with LED – it is also more affordable. Similar to other technologies, the cost of LED has gone down over time while quality has improved.

LED Video Displays Integrate Seamlessly Into A Broadcast Studio: Due to the modular nature of LED video wall panels, video display screens can be made to fit any space. Video display screens aren’t standalone products. Rigging is naturally involved as well. Neoti offers UHD LED video panels that can be mounted directly against a wall eliminating concerns about the appearance of rigging. If mounting against a wall isn’t optimal, Neoti offers a variety of clean professional rigging options. The Neoti team can even create custom rigging solutions for unconventional spaces.

Technical Considerations

Aesthetics are all well and good, but without supporting technology to make the display work, the point is moot. When buying an LED video wall it is important to consider screen resolution, refresh rate, and integration.

Screen Resolution: LED screens have come a long way. Fine pixel pitch allows for HD, UHD, and even 4K screens and beyond. Neoti offers UHD panels built specifically for the broadcast industry.

Refresh Rate: Quick refresh rates are critical to ensure smooth transitions and quality viewing. Lag time is disruptive to the viewing experience and distracts from the message. A camera crew only gets one shot to record a live broadcast.

Integration: Studios vary greatly in display needs, studio layout, and existing technology. Neoti works with the studio to understand the studio’s unique needs. Neoti offers full service LED solutions handling everything from design to rigging to full installation. If the customer doesn’t need the full package, Neoti is happy to work with the customer to ensure their needs are satisfied in a way that is as efficient and beneficial to the customer. Neoti seeks to be a LED resource regardless of the customer’s needs or experience.

Product Longevity

A video display wall is a significant investment. Neoti works to ensure that every Neoti LED video display looks great the day it is installed and for a long time to come.

Training: As with any piece of technology, proper maintenance is essential for longevity. Neoti can do onsite training for the customer’s AV, technical, or maintenance crew, educating them on the proper way to perform regular LED maintenance.

Responsive Support: Neoti is an American based LED company with a team dedicated to quality service. Neoti is very responsive to customers’ needs. Often technical support can be accomplished over the phone, greatly reducing downtime and hassle. If phone support is not enough, Neoti is not afraid to travel. Neoti regularly travels across the continental United States.

US Based Repair Center: LED walls are both sturdy and reliable, but sometimes accidents happen. Neoti’s US based repair center is the perfect solution for the unexpected. Frequently, with other LED companies, repairs have to be sent overseas and can take months to be fixed and shipped back. Neoti’s centrally based US location and dedicated staff greatly reduces repair time. Neoti even services the LED panels of all major competitors.