Why athletic facilities should consider fine pixel pitch LED displays

Athletic facility exterior

Fine pixel pitch screens are customizable and creative displays that can pack a punch.

Making your school’s athletic facility stand out doesn’t always mean buying the largest and most expensive display available. In fact, when deployed strategically and paired with compelling content, smaller displays can bring in the large crowds, too.

The technology for smaller displays has come a long way in the past decade. While the best options were once limited to low-resolution projectors and bulky television screens, today’s displays offer stunning pictures and come in modular panels that can be installed according to custom specifications. Due to their superior quality and versatility, fine pixel pitch LED displays are a particularly ideal solution for any organization interested in upgrading their facilities.

The following is a quick guide to fine pixel pitch displays, as well as some ideas for deploying this signage in an athletic stadium or facility.

What Is Fine Pixel Pitch?

Pixel pitch is a way of measuring the image quality of a direct-view LED display. More specifically, it refers to the distance between the center of each pixel within an LED panel. This can range anywhere from just below 1 mm to as much as 34 mm for very large outdoor displays. Practically speaking, the lower the pixel pitch, the better the image resolution will be, allowing for shorter viewing distances. For fine pixel pitch displays, which are around 3 mm and lower, this means viewers can stand extremely near without it affecting the screen’s quality. Although they use the same technology as large outdoor displays, this higher resolution makes them ideal for seamless, close-up displays.

With this in mind, here are some practical suggestions for how you can use fine pixel pitch displays to increase engagement and give your facilities an easy upgrade.


Food and drink sales can be a significant source of income for a stadium or arena, but not if visitors are having a hard time reading the menu or if employees are neglecting to replace outdated signs. To avoid these problems and help attract even more visitors to your concessions, switch out old and unattractive menu boards with fine pixel pitch displays.

With high-quality digital signage, it’s not only easy to change prices and food selections whenever necessary, but dynamic photos, animations, and videos will also appeal to customers. Creative facilities could even advertise promotional offerings — such as a half off all beverages at halftime — just by touching a button.

Trophy Rooms and Halls of Fame

Before and after games, visitors often love browsing trophy cases and reading about past sports heroes and historic achievements. Why not make this experience even more entertaining by replacing the placards with dynamic screens?

Rather than photos and long blocks of text, visitors can watch highlight reels and clips from games, or scroll through the rosters of their favorite bygone teams. For younger generations especially, this can be a great educational attraction — one that may even impact recruitment.

Locker Rooms

Although locker rooms usually stay out of the general public’s eye, they nevertheless provide a great opportunity to use high-quality displays. As focal points for the athletes, locker rooms can even be transformed into important recruiting tools with a few state-of-the-art screens.

Kansas University, for instance, recently upgraded the locker rooms at their football facility with modular fine pixel pitch LED displays. Installed as multiple 50-foot-long ribbon-style seamless screens that surround the room, their athletic department now uses them to broadcast player names, photos, statistics, as well as spirited video content, helping to turn their locker room into a source of pride and inspiration.

Advertising Displays

For stadiums and other facilities with ample amounts of real estate on their walls, fine pixel pitch displays can be turned into lucrative digital advertisements. Already common in places such as airports, these types of advertising displays can be installed and set up easily, then rented out to multiple different advertisers at once. This can quickly make them a regular source of income.

In addition, these types of displays can be deployed for a variety of other uses as well. For instance, use them to highlight notable donors or to recognize exceptional athletes or coaches. With outdoor-ready LED display equipment, their use can even be extended and customized to baseball, football, and other facilities that don’t typically contain any protection from the elements.

Press Briefing Rooms

Beyond the fields of play, the next most likely area of your facility to get camera time is probably your briefing room. Considering the inherent value of a briefing room backdrop for branding and other messaging, utilizing a fine pixel pitch LED display opens up a world of possibilities. Not to mention, it looks infinitely better than a wrinkled vinyl banner.

Regardless of the size of your briefing room, having a seamless high definition video display as the backdrop showcases crisp, clear, and even animated logos. Limited only by the imagination of your marketing and video teams, more engaging briefings and higher-quality representations of your school and program are really just the beginning.


For creative athletic departments, there are countless applications for modular fine pixel pitch screens. This versatility provides an attractive and customizable alternative to standard scoreboards and tiled LCD walls broken up by bezels. Fine pixel pitch LED displays are a way to give your facility the upgrade it needs.


For more information or to explore LED display ideas and solutions for your school or university, fill out a quote request form, or give us a call at 877-356-3684.