3 Ways To Maximize Your LED Video Wall

Neoti LED video panels at Kansas University football locker room

So you invested in an LED video wall. Great! You should already be reaping the benefits of a glare free high contrast impressive LED video display. Now it’s time to maximize your LED video wall.

If you have not decided on whether LED is right for you read: Seamless LED Displays Offer Many Advantages Over Older Technology

Display Dynamic Content

Personalize Your Content For Your Audience

At the end of the day your business is successful because other people want to engage with you or your business. Engage your ideal audience by delivering targeted content. LED can offer the perfect solution to customization. Just check out these locker rooms at the University of Kansas.

Neoti R Series Kansas University 01 1920x1080

Pretty cool. This is what Jeff Love, director, football technology, University of Kansas has to say:

“We change [the displays] to relate to the situation. For spring football, we had a couple guys who are playing in the NFL come back , and we were able to put their Kansas highlights on these boards as they were walking in and touring the new locker room. Day to day, it’s to motivate the players and for recruiting.”

Read more about this LED locker room project at SVG News.

Dynamically Updated Content

Another way to maximize your LED video wall is use it as a Social Media Wall, dynamically updating as people post using a common hashtag. LED video displays are great to incorporate into live events of all kinds.

Neoti R Series Sweetwater

Your audience is going to be on their phones anyway. Why not meet them where they are and instantly reward them for engaging with your brand?

Take Advantage of the Benefits of LED Technology

Take Advantage of High Contrast

Neoti R Series Hanex trade show

Use the wide color range and high contrast of LED display technology to your advantage. Read about the science of color and LED. Don’t be afraid of high quality vibrant images. Modern HD & UHD LED displays are more than up to the task.

Make Good Use Of A Glare Free Display

Don’t shy away from additional lighting. With LED you can have your cake and eat it too. Enjoy glare free vibrant video content and additional ambient stage lighting – without missing out on video quality.

Neoti R Series concert

The ability to enjoy a glare free video display is not something to be taken for granted. Just look at this Apostolic Church testimonial to learn how their ambient lighting troubles were solved with the help of LED.

Take The Promotional Opportunity

Promote Yourself

Neoti A5 Series Western Illinois athletics

There are unlimited content options with LED. Don’t forget to promote your programs, upcoming events, websites, social media, and of course products and services. With static signage you are limited by how much content comfortably fits in a set of dimensions. With video displays you can rotate the content to maximize your LED video wall.

Promote Others

Don’t forget to promote your partners. Some companies have even used their LED video displays as a source of revenue by promoting local companies. LED has a wide array of content options allowing you to section off different portions of your video wall for different uses.

Go For LED

By displaying dynamic content, taking full advantage of LED technology, and promoting yourself and others – you are sure to use your LED video wall to its fullest potential.